Välke Ruusunen
Välke Ruusunen (Verena Götsch) is a dance artist exploring and wondering the world through dance, butoh and improvisation. They are interested in sensations, bodily knowledge, softness, rituals and sensuality. Their favourite tools in their practise are improvisation,TRE and touch explorations. In the centre of their work and method is sensitising to the environment and sensations. Their aim is to dismantle the at the moment dominating state of collective dissociation in the society.
2024 Travelling Fabric, dancer and co-choreographer, project by Art for All ry, Viikki, Helsinki
2024 Deep Tinge, solo, Maa -tila gallery, Helsinki
2024 Filum Rubrum, in collaboration with Walter Götsch, Aoi Yoshizawa, Maunula talo, Helsinki
2023 Lush Death, solo, the Attic, Helsinki
2023 Have you ever read Anais Nin, solo, Tanssivintti Spring Performance, Zodiak
2023 Dramaattinen teos, dancer, by choreographer Samuli Emery, Tanssivintti Spring
Performance, Zodiak
2023 Listening to Fragile Streams, in collaboration with Miio Holopainen, Maa-tila gallery,
2023 Nothing but Impro, solo, Performance Soiree, Vapaan Taiteen Tila, Helsinki
2022 Circular Ritual, collaboration with Hessu Wennerstrand, as part of exhibition: Dance!
Movement in the Visual Arts 1880-2020, HAM-museum, Helsinki 2022
2022 If you have a problem, let yourself be eaten by the problem, solo, Norpas X, Kemiönsaari and Kotofest, Janakkala
2022 Playing between Fissures, collaboration with Miio Holopainen, Helsinki Butoh Festival and
Butoh Festival Reloaded, Helsinki
2022 Dancing with Patti Smith, solo, Tanssivintti Spring Performance, Zodiak, Helsinki
2022 Current, collaboration with Minerva Juolahti, Vapaan Taiteen tila, Helsinki
2021 Oscillations, collaboration with Minerva Juolahti, Asbestos Art Space, Helsinki
2019 Alma Negra-festival, group work, Espacio en Blanco, Madrid, 2019
2019 Blood of Dance, solo, Loukko cafe, Helsinki
2017–2018 solo and group works, Himalaya Butoh Festival, McLeod Ganj
2023–2024 Laajasalo Folk High School, Helsinki
2021–2023 Tanssivintti dance school, intensive group, Helsinki
2020–2021 Kälviä Arts, performing arts program, Kälviä Folk High School, Kokkola
2019–2020 Aula Nostra, Butoh Dance Program, Madrid, 2019–2020
2017 and 2018 Himalaya Subbody Butoh school, McLeod Ganj
2017 Political Science, Bachelor in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Helsinki University
2016–2017 Dance Pedagogy, basic studies, Open University of Arts, Helsinki
2007–2008 Chado, The Way of Tea, Urasenke School, Kyoto
2023 Dance Lab North, Dotra Art Center, Umeå
2019 The Moonwalk Project, one month Butoh Hike, Pyrenees
2019 Work for Work, butoh workshop by Imre Thormann, Nîmes
2018–2019 Sampoorna Yoga, 200 hours Flow Yoga Teacher training, Agonda
2011–> Rhytms of Recistance, grass roots activist band, playing in demonstrations, organising
events and camps, Helsinki
2022–> Organising and cordinating different performance events in Helsinki
2015–2017 Organising self defence workshops for PRO-tukipiste, Helsinki
2012-2013 Protest camp against coal mine, Hambach forest, Cologne
2024 Helsinki city project grant for Filum Rubrum, collaboration with Walter Götsch and
Aoi Yoshizawa
Tanssille ry (Dancer Association Helsinki), Yö Gallery, The Regional Dance Centre of Ostrobothnia